“Mapping approaches to democratization assessment”, research paper for Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), April 2021.
(principal co-author with Jagadish C. Pokharel, Ajaya Khanal, and Anamika Pradhan) “Final evaluation of USAID/Nepal Strengthening Political Parties, Electoral and Legislative Processes Project” (Bethesda, MD: CAMRIS International for USAID, January 2017), 95 pp.
(principal co-author with Jagadish C. Pokharel and Rajju Malla-Dhakal) “Mid-term evaluation for Sajhedari Bikaas Project in Nepal,” (Bethesda, MD: NORC for USAID, March 2016), 86 pp.
(principal co-author with William Cartier, Akhter Hussain, and Naim Mostafa) “Performance evaluation of Strengthening Democratic Local Governance (SDLG) Project: Macro-level advocacy and local-level participation,” (Arlington, VA: Social Impact for USAID, October 2014), 95+ pp.
“Evaluating democracy and governance projects with randomized control trials: J-PAL and the state of the art,” paper written for FHI360 as consultant, October 2014, 10 pp.
(co-author with Michael Calavan, Md. Azizur Rahman and Naim Mostafa) “Evaluation of the Improving Local Level Governance Project in Bangladesh: Combining Traditional Folk Arts with Democratic Local Governance,” (Arlington, VA: Social Impact for USAID, November 2012), 68+ pp.
(co-author with Guilain Denoux, Michael Calavan, Ameet Dhakal, and Christopher Dobbs) “Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Assessment of Nepal: Final Report,” with (Burlington, VT: Tetra Tech ARD for USAID, October 2012), 72+ pp.
“Demand side governance in the Africa region — moving forward,” paper for the Africa Conflict and Development Unit, World Bank, June 2010 (revised April 2011).
(co-author with Michael Calavan and Ashley Barr), “Strengthening Governance and Accountability Program Mid-Term Evaluation in Cambodia” (Washington: Checchi & Co. Consulting for USAID/Cambodia, April 2009), 70+ pp.
(co-author with Richard N. Blue and Lincoln A. Mitchell) “Political Competitiveness and Civil Society Assessment: Cambodia” (Washington: Checchi & Co. Consulting for USAID/Cambodia, December 2008),l 80 pp.
(principal co-author) “Final evaluation to USAID project Support for Croatia’s Non-Governmental Organizations (CroNGO) 2001-2007,” with Richard N. Blue, Andrea Feldman and Carmen Luca (Washington: Academy for Educational Development, 19 August 2007), 88 pp.