Over the years since the restoration of democratic politics in 1990-91, I have served as a consultant in Nepal for USAID to prepare strategy assessments for supporting democratization and evaluate projects in the democracy/governance sector. These various reports provide an ongoing series of observations on the state of play in the country’s political trajectory during that time.
(principal co-author) “Final evaluation of USAID/Nepal Strengthening Political Parties, Electoral and Legislative Processes Project,” with Jagadish Pokharel, Adaya Khanal, and Anamika Pradhan (Bethesda, MD: CAMRIS International for USAID, January 2017), 95 pp.
(principal co-author) “Mid-term evaluation for Sajhedari Bikaas Project [local governance in Nepal],” with Jagadish Pokharel and Rajju Malla-Dhakal (Chicago: NORC for USAID, January 2016), 90+ pp.
(co-author) “Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Assessment of Nepal: Final Report,” with Guilain Denoux,. Michael Calavan, Ameet Dhakal, and Christopher Dobbs (Burlington, VT: Tetra Tech ARD for USAID, October 2012), 72+ pp.
(co-author) “Democracy and Governance Assessment: Nepal,” with Sue Nelson, Bishnu P. Adhikari, Judy Dunbar and Veeraya Kate Somvongsiri, report for USAID/Nepal, September 2005 (76 pp).
(co-author) “The Nepal Democracy Strategy,” final report, with Raymond Gastil, Michael Gill, Purma Man Shaka, Kapil Shreshtha, and Richard Whitaker (Arlington, VA: Ernst & Young for USAID, June 1991), 69 pp.